Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On forgiveness

After a long absence*, I have a "calling" to do a psychic healing again. Along the process I started healing myself simultaneously. I will not elaborate on the actual healing done, but I will share some thoughts that came to mind.

Although I am not a Christian, I love something about the "Our Father" prayer since I came across it as a child. Especially the part where it goes, 

"... forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. ..."

The essence of forgiveness. Many talk about it. Many claim they believe it. Many claim they practice it. Indeed, many do practice it to some degree. However, few are able to practice it widely. The few Christians who do so, whom I come across personally in my life, I have always admired deeply.

I shall close with 2 songs. Songs which speak of certain life philosophies that help us to release the emotional baggages that we inevitably pick-up in life.

峰迴路轉 -- 劉德華
["Turning point" by Andy Lau]

笑看風雲 -- 鄭少秋
["Laughing at Life's Fortunes" by Adam Cheng]

Have a good day!


*p.s. : Okay, maybe not "that long" an absence. That said, for the previous healing that I did, I only sought "psychic permission" to heal as the person was at that time not even well enough to give me permission physically (e.g. verbally or through body language). As such, I only healed up-to the point where he no longer hung between life and death.

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