Monday, June 18, 2012

GNIE milestone: 2nd clinical completed!

My clinical group is so happy today. As a result of 2 public holidays falling on our scheduled clinical days, rescheduling our clinical shifts, and doing several extended shifts, we finished clinical earlier than scheduled. Best part is...
Looking back, my clinical group has its challenges. [Click here and here.] Nevertheless, we are a comparatively united group overall. As the clinical instructor (CI) remarked, she noticed that we often helped each other out. I will not reveal the details, but there are things that we tell each other within the group that even the CI and our other classmates (not from our clinical group) do not know about. Yes, we covered each other's asses.

While waiting for our turn at evaluation and after we were done, we (well, at least most of us) kept remarking to each other how lucky we felt to be in our clinical group. We were well aware of the issues faced by the other clinical groups. [Click here for an example.]

Going forward, we will part ways for our future clinical postings. This is because our next clinical in this semester is the "Practicum", where students will be shuffled into new "Practicum" groups and posted to different units with a CI available on-call in the hospital. Thereafter, there will be a "Preceptorship" in the final semester, where each student is assigned to understudy a staff on the unit and there will not be a CI at the hospital. In both cases, we can no longer rely on getting help from our usual clinical group-mates, but have to learn to work with our new teams and/or the unit's staff.

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