Friday, April 06, 2012

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku

I went to the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival's Cherry Jam Downtown Concert yesterday with a friend*. I heard about the Haiku Invitational there and was inspired on-the-spot to submit an entry related to immigrants. Here's my haiku below:

Cherry blossoms
Eastern roots western blooms

Here's a Chinese translation of my haiku above (with words added to meet the traditional 5-7-5 haiku form):


If you're interested, please click here or the URL below to submit your entries (limited to 2 per person). There are 5 categories of entries: Youth, B.C., Canada, United States, and International.

Click here for photos of the Vancouver downtown celebration from CTV. I am in one of these images, albeit small and blur. Btw, the creator of the popular California maki is the Japanese chef in white uniform with a white cloth band tied around his head.


*My friend is a refugee from Middle East. That's what I like about my life in Metro Vancouver. I get to meet and befriend a variety of people from different backgrounds.

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